Severtson Promotes New Proteus Series Masking S...
The Proteus Series is the ultimate in home theater and permanent installation flexibility, designed with a built-in masking system that allows the screen’s aspect ratio to be changed at the push of...
Severtson Promotes New Proteus Series Masking S...
The Proteus Series is the ultimate in home theater and permanent installation flexibility, designed with a built-in masking system that allows the screen’s aspect ratio to be changed at the push of...
San Diego Natural History Museum Finds a Gem wi...
The museum had very specific size and strength requirements based on where the screen was to be positioned in one of its main exhibit halls; Severtson provided a 272in. x 161in. Cable Drop...
San Diego Natural History Museum Finds a Gem wi...
The museum had very specific size and strength requirements based on where the screen was to be positioned in one of its main exhibit halls; Severtson provided a 272in. x 161in. Cable Drop...